Tag Archives: library

Lost and found

29 May

In my job, you sometimes come across strange things hidden away in books or in a box of donations to the library. I’m a bit of a hoarder and don’t like to throw anything away, so over the last 8 months my desk and the surrounding area has become a bit of a treasure trove for tat, some of which I thought were too good to keep to myself.


This little ‘gem’ was found in amongst a pile of books donated to the library. Yes, those are little stones stuck to a naff painting and yes, it now is displayed proudly next to my desk. Noone’s ever asked me about it so perhaps they think that’s the kind of thing I’m into…


This scares me a little bit. I think it’s the strange man-with-parrot-sticking-out-of-his-head part that freaks me out the most. Fortunately my colleague who found it has given it pride of place on her notice board.  I wish I could attribute this piece but alas, artist unknown.


This is definitely my favourite of the bunch. I love that someone went to the effort to get their typewriter out and commit this charming little ‘Eyeku’ to a piece of scrap paper. And then fold that paper up and hide it in a library book.

Other less fantastic finds have included a 12-year old receipt from Marks and Spencer and some spookily blurry photographs of paintings, along with all the usual stuff like long-forgotten notes and bookmarks. 

So, what weird and wonderful finds have you unearthed in your library?